Labels:book | gazette | poster | reckoner | trade name OCR: The Apple Sales Marketing Resource Library The Apple Sales and Marketing The CD-ROM Resource Library Macintosh System Requirements Windows Resource Library An Macintosh computer with APC vidh 486 rhighe 68030 processor or bettor 3MB DIRAM Apple is pleasedt offer uewresou QrickTine Tyies auuprupue 8MB 13-inch or large of RAN colo monitor Windowa Windows 15 software recomme nded foreveryeee wh. sells. supportso All marerials will heofthe highest qualit doubk speec CD-ROM drive double speed HCD -ROM drive bette prometes Apple preducts and services and will be ready for you to usc in your or bette QuickTime 2.5 later (included on CD} The F Resource Library merges wn oyour sales or markering activities System software 7. or later Adobe Acrobat Reader reliecl on iresomrsof dernomi [must have Fin ...